Our team will lead an efficient process that builds consensus around investment priorities and ensures outcomes are feasible and responsive to changing conditions. We’ve honed our approach over 40 years of practice.
We help organizations make facilities investment decisions that are strategic, defensible, and actionable.
Strategic facilities plans and needs assessments
Facilities plans are only useful when they are actionable and supported. Our approach builds consensus across departments, prioritizes near-term actions, establishes a long-term investment strategy, and supports capital project funding. We align facilities decision-making with best practices and identify achievable next steps.
Site selection, space needs, and facility programming
Facility location decisions have enduring cost and operational impacts. Our site selection services help clients target locations and compare construction costs, property values, operating impacts, customer access, and emergency response capabilities. Our approach balances these complex, intersecting facets to provide site selection recommendations that best fulfill long-term objectives and offer the greatest value.
Our space planning services support needs assessments and strategic facility planning, guide site searches, feed into concept analysis, and support recommended projects and budgeting. In the past decade, we have completed over 3 million square feet of space plans. Our clients have relied on our plans and associated cost estimates to line up funding, search for leased space or new properties, and support facilities investments aligned with their goals and values.
Site and campus master plans
Our site and campus master plans have served public, institutional, and private clients, including local governments, port authorities, and federal agencies over decades. We consistently deliver development visions that respond to unique site characteristics, meet client objectives, and are feasible within financial resources. Our expertise with integrating site planning, conceptual design, and economic analysis results in master plans that strategically position sites for development.
Electric vehicle plans
We help our clients reduce carbon emissions by supporting the transition to electric vehicles. We specialize in infrastructure planning for municipal fleets and facilities as well as community visioning, planning, and development regulations to support electric transportation options. Our process includes a comprehensive understanding of existing conditions, curating a set of goals and objectives that reflect community values, and drafting goals, policies, land use code updates, and fleet infrastructure plans that are achievable given local conditions and resources. Our recommendations leverage evolving industry trends and integrate equity throughout.
Port and waterfront planning
Ports and waterfronts are major economic drivers, catalysts for job and business creation, and thriving community assets. Designing a path toward infrastructure improvements, long-term financial health, and stewardship, we help our port and waterfront clients create the vibrant waterfronts they envision. Our plans balance aspirations and reality and outline clear, achievable steps to move forward.