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Historic Waterfront District Master Plan 

Project Information

Location: Kennewick, WA


Services Provided

  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Site and master planning
  • Prioritized phased implementation

We worked with the Port of Kennewick to update and expand the 2005 Clover Island Master Plan to include adjacent inland port properties and create an historic waterfront district. Our team engaged community members, businesses, partners, and other stakeholders in the planning process to create a cohesive vision for the Historic Waterfront District Master Plan that responds to the region’s unique history, character, and evolution.


  • Designed a master plan that leveraged port investments, improved economic and social vitality in the district, and connected the waterfront to downtown Kennewick
  • Created a plan for a thriving new neighborhood with a distinct waterfront identity and unique amenities for residents and visitors
  • Prioritized 15-20 years of investments toward actualizing the district vision
  • Delivered an easy-to-use design standards toolkit
  • Engaged the community through an innovative, virtual engagement strategy, including a project website that garnered over 2,300 unique users